2024届毕业生4月15日开始领取学位帽和学位服 哈里曼和橡树岭书店. 书店营业时间为美国东部时间周一至周四上午8点至下午4点30分. 参观 毕业典礼网页 欲了解更多信息.



  1. RSCC回家RSCC回家
  2. 贝博体育
  3. 学习中心
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit 你的 schedule.提供在线学位. Online education gives you flexibility to take classes that fit 你的 schedule.





Tutoring sessions vary based on the subject matter and the needs of each individual student (or study group). However, one trait that ALL of our tutoring sessions exhibit is student responsibility. 我们来这里是为了帮助学生学会自己完成作业. 像你这样的, we're also more concerned with a student's overall growth than we are with the grade that they might earn on a particular assignment or test.

因此,导师不会“校对”学生的论文. 而不是, they provide feedback on the student's essay and use a few sample sentences in their draft to demonstrate methods for improving their writing skills. 类似的, tutors will not go through each math problem with 你的 students or "show them how" to complete their homework assignments; instead, they work with them on a few sample problems and hover nearby in case they get stuck.

What can I expect if my students seek help through the 学习中心 Online?

的 学习中心 Online is available to all enrolled Roane State students as a course on their 动力 主页. 学生 can upload a paper and usually receive electronic feedback within 48 hours.

第一个 thing you can expect when 你的 students use the 学习中心 Online is that they'll be an active participant in the learning process. 数学和科学专业的学生必须发起清晰的讨论, while writing students must upload assignment details and indicate specific concerns.  下一个, you can also expect that there will always be a record of 你的 students' interactions with us through the 学习中心 Online. 例如, writing students receive an electronic copy of a marked-up draft and a p年龄 of written feedback that they can easily print out and turn in to you. 最后, you can expect the same level of quality and commitment to student success that can be found in our physical 学习中心s. 的 same trained tutors who greet 你的 students at the doors of our physical 学习中心s also respond to them online; they're familiar with the Roane State population, 随着 你的 particular preferences and requirements so they'll certainly be able to help 你的 students!

我怎样才能确定我的学生将获得可靠的, 准确的, 在学习中心提供高质量的帮助?

每个校区的学习中心都依靠学生导师的帮助, 谁必须至少获得3分.在其专业领域的平均绩点为5,总平均绩点必须保持在3.0. 这个标准没有例外. 以确保这些优秀的学生将成为优秀的导师, all faculty recommendations are considered and interview each candidate before inviting them to become tutors.

At the 学习中心, we also try to provide a diverse learning environment. 除了学生导师, you'll find tutors who hold both Bachelor's and Master's degrees in their subject area, 我们的员工. Offering tutors whose skill levels vary encour年龄s collaborative learning and gives students a chance to work with other "experts" besides their instructors.

Once a tutor has been hired he or she is required to attend 3 training sessions per semester. Tutor training sessions discuss everything from adapting 你的 tutoring approach to different learning styles, 了解学生什么时候真正需要和他或她的老师交谈, 为在线辅导的“最佳实践”干杯.

What kinds of workshops do you conduct (and how can I schedule one for my class)?

的re are 3 common situations in which a faculty member might want to request a workshop:

  1. Your students are struggling with a particular concept and you'd like us to approach the information in a different way.
  2. 你设计了一个作业, but 你的 students don't seem to possess the necessary skills to complete certain parts of it.
  3. Your students are doing poorly on tests and exams because they lack appropriate study skills.

课堂研讨会可以在你的教室里进行, 在计算机实验室里, 或在学习中心, 取决于你的喜好. We'll want to meet with you ahead of time to discuss 你的 particular needs and determine how long the workshop should last. 大多数讲习班持续约30分钟, but we can plan to work with 你的 students for up to 80 minutes if you'd like. We will need you to attend the workshop so that you can answer questions (both from us and from 你的 students) about 你的 expectations for the assignment or project that they're working on.

如果我的学生因为缺课而需要补考, 他们可以在学习中心参加考试吗?

We do not allow students to take tests and quizzes in the 学习中心 because we're not prepared to supervise these graded examinations. 相反,我们鼓励您访问和/或联系 测试中心.

Do the 学习中心 tutors also assist RSCC staff and/or members of the community?

虽然学习中心的工作人员总是把罗安州立大学的学生放在第一位, we are willing to assist other community members with their academic pursuits as well. Any non-student who would like to receive assistance is encour年龄d to contact the Specialist in charge of the campus where he or she would like to receive help, 来决定参观的最佳日期和时间.

Please Note: any request for writing assistance will be treated as an educational experience. 换句话说, 我们不会校对你的作品, but will be glad to help you recognize and improve upon any weaknesses in 你的 drafts.



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