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RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
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RSCC 政策 BA-06-01; 机动车辆

保单号码: BA-06-01
主题: 机动车辆
  1. 政策
    This policy establishes minimum regulations and procedures for the operation of state owned motor vehicles by RSCC employees.
  2. 定义
    1. "State Vehicle" - Any motor vehicle owned, purchased or leased by institutional funds.
    2. “机构”-罗安州立社区学院.
    3. "Employee" - Any person employed full or part-time by the institution.
  3. 一般规定
    1. Motor vehicles are maintained at the institution to facilitate the official business of the college. It is the responsibility of all employees who use these vehicles to ensure the efficient and economical utilization of such vehicles.
    2. All state vehicles shall be used in accordance with the provisions of this policy.
    3. 禁止在公车上使用烟草制品.
    4. Employees using state vehicles should notify the Physical Plant of any problems encountered with the operation of the vehicle.
    5. Operators are invited to complete and return a Motor Pool Questionnaire upon return of the vehicle to the Physical Plant.
    6. The employee checking out the vehicle is responsible for its condition upon return. Trash should be removed from the vehicle upon return to the Physical Plant.
  4. 电机池
    1. The college maintains a central Motor Pool from which vehicles may be dispatched for official college business.
    2. An employee who needs to use a motor vehicle on state business may use a pool-dispatched vehicle if one is available. Use of motor pool vehicles will be charged back to the user's budget account at a pre-established mile年龄 rate.
    3. Motor Pool vehicles shall be used for official business only and not for commuting purposes or personal business.
  5. 授权营办商及乘客
    1. Only employees of the college with proper departmental authorization may operate a state vehicle. Work-study students may be permitted to operate a state vehicle, 虽然, 这应该保持在最低限度.
    2. All employees and/or work-study students must have a valid driver’s license to operate a state vehicle.
    3. Passengers in state vehicles shall be limited to the following:
      1. Employees of the institution when within the scope of employment.
      2. 学生 of the institution eng年龄d in institutional sponsored activities.
      3. Other persons when necessary to accompany an employee on official business or as a guest of the college.
  6. 安排共用车辆
    1. Vehicles may be scheduled by calling the Physical Plant Secretary at extension 4565.
    2. Schedule vehicles as far in advance as possible, but not to exceed 90 days.
    3. Travel authorization forms must be completed and approved before scheduling a vehicle.
    4. 正常情况下, 车辆按规定是先到先到, first served basis; however, 大学活动优先.
  7. 对滥用车辆的处罚
    1. Employees who misuse vehicles will be subject to disciplinary sanctions, depending upon the magnitude of the misuse and the frequency with which it has occurred. 滥用包括以下任何一种情况:
      1. 违反交通法规.
      2. Careless operation that results in dam年龄 to the vehicle or property or injury to persons.
      3. Use of a vehicle for personal business or unauthorized commuting purposes.
      4. Use of a vehicle contrary to the provisions of this policy.
    2. The president of the institution shall determine the penalty appropriate for each violation; and in addition may require the employee to pay for any dam年龄s to the vehicle caused by misuse.
  8. 事故条例
    Should an accident occur while an employee or work-study student is driving a state vehicle, the driver should follow the same procedure that would be followed with a privately owned automobile. The proper local authorities should be contacted and the necessary accident report form filed. In the vehicle folder of each state vehicle is a sheet which outlines steps to be taken by the driver at the scene of the accident. The state manual contains a two-p年龄 sample of the accident information, 哪些必须在事故现场填写. This report must be filed with the Business Office immediately upon return to campus. 还必须向人力资源办公室提交一份副本. 报告必须包含以下信息:
    1. Any injuries that might have occurred and the nature of injuries, if ascertainable.
    2. 自然, 的位置, 并对事故进行了描述,包括绘图, 车辆的参与, 驾驶条件, 等.
    3. 对事故负有责任的人.
    4. 估计损坏和修理费用.
    5. The date, place and time of the accident and with whom the official accident report was filed.
    6. 其他有关情况的信息, 比如天气状况, 交通流, 一天中的时间, 等.
  9. 责任
    1. Appropriate Accident Report forms for filing a claim with the State Board of Claims Office are available from the Human Resource Office.
    2. MAKE NO COMMITMENTS OF RESPONSIBILITY at the time of the accident. The State Board of Claims and the Roane State employee's personal insurance is at present the cover年龄 for state vehicles.
    3. Any college employee who travels frequently in a state vehicle is urged to add a rider to his/her personal policy to insure him/her against liability while driving a state owned vehicle.

修订生效日期: 11/14/2002
修订批准人: 韦德B. 总裁McCamey
原生效日期: 01/11/1988
批准人: Cuyler一. 邓巴,总统
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & 金融
综述: 08/24/2017


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