2024届毕业生4月15日开始领取学位帽和学位服 哈里曼和橡树岭书店. 书店营业时间为美国东部时间周一至周四上午8点至下午4点30分. 参观 毕业典礼网页 欲了解更多信息.



RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
  1. RSCC回家RSCC回家
  2. 关于贝博体育
  3. RSCC政策 & 的指导方针
前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.提供在线学位. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.

RSCC Policy GA-18-05; 使用电子邮件作为官方通信

保单号码: GA-18-05
主题: 使用电子邮件作为官方通信
  1. 范围
  2. 定义
    电子邮件通常分为四类, 官方信件, 非正式商务相关, 个人和垃圾邮件.
    1. 官方信件 – Official email correspondence at 贝博体育 is defined as communication sent or received by Roane State personnel in the execution of the duties of their office. 就本定义而言, 办公室将包括学术和行政部门, 分歧, 咨询委员会及任何其他被委任执行学院事务的机构. 包括记录决策的消息, 政策, 程序, 资源支出, 服务的操作或交付. 以下是官方信件的例子:
      1. 关于管理的一般通信, 金融, 操作程序, 或政策事项(包括采购订单等贝博体育)
      2. 有关管理的办公室间信息, 金融, 操作程序, 或政策事项(包括时间表等贝博体育), 经济资助及旅游券)
      3. 有关大学政策或政策过程的信息(会议记录), 听证会记录, 等.)
      4. 关于重要公共信息的消息(例如, 关键环境数据, 校园关闭及报告)
      5. 工作相关会议的邀请和回复
      6. 以官方身份发布的信息(招聘公告等).)
      7. 管理开发中所依赖的Listserv消息, 金融, 操作程序, 或者政策问题
      8. 与当前和/或未来的学生沟通
    2. Unofficial Business Related – 电子邮件 mess年龄s may have an official context but not be part of a business transaction. The following examples illustrate email with an official context but not 官方信件:
      1. General department correspondence regarding routine business activities (transmittal mess年龄s and responses to routine questions)
      2. 关于员工活动(节日活动等)的办公室间信息.)、电话、邀请和对工作相关活动的回应
      3. Listserv mess年龄s other than those posted in an official capacity unless the mess年龄s are relied upon in the development of man年龄ment, 金融, 操作程序, 或者政策问题
    3. 个人 – Any email mess年龄 that is neither created nor received in the course of routine or official college business.
    4. 垃圾邮件 -任何未经请求的商业性质的电子邮件.
      Excluded from this definition are published materials collected as reference material to support teaching 贝博体育 of Roane State. 大学职员以私人身份提供的文件也不包括在内. 包括教学材料, research materials and professional records of individual academic staff members or groups of such committees or administrative units as formally designated by the committee or unit. “Profession records” mean those records which pertain to professional associations or societies and correspondence generated as a result of an academic staff member’s obligation to the profession at large.

      Faculty correspondences with individual students or class units are also excluded. 但是,学生有责任回复教师的电子邮件.
  3. 政策-教职员工
    1. RSCC电子邮件帐户所需
      所有罗安州立社区学院的员工都将有一个学院的电子邮件地址, 所有的官方电子通信都将通过这个地址. 参见电子信息系统(电子邮件)政策, GA-18-03, 如何获得一个电子邮件地址和使用学院的电子邮件系统.
    2. 重定向电子邮件
      重定向其官方@roanestate的员工.Edu地址转到另一个电子邮件地址(e.g., @aol.com, @hotmail.Com或部门服务器上的地址)这样做的风险由他们自己承担. 学院不负责处理外部供应商的电子邮件. Redirecting college email to a personal account does not absolve employees from the responsibilities associated with official communication sent to his or her @basilinfracon.com帐户. 只有大学的电子邮件帐户将被维护, the college has no responsibility for keeping up with personal staff or faculty email accounts.
  4. 政策-学生
    1. 大学使用电子邮件
      电子邮件 is a mechanism for official communication within 贝博体育. The college has the right to expect that such communications will be received and read in a timely fashion. Official email communications are intended only to meet the academic and administrative needs of the campus community. 作为这个过程的管理者, the Information Technology Department in coordination with 贝博体育 is responsible for directing the use of the official student email.
    2. Microsoft Exchange, Active Directory和对学生使用电子邮件的期望
      Office 365是学生的官方电子邮件服务器. 学生 are expected to check their email on a frequent and consistent basis in order to stay current with college-related communications. 学生 have the responsibility to recognize that certain communications may be time-critical. “我没有查看我的电子邮件”, 转发邮件错误, or email returned to the college with "Mailbox Full" or "User Unknown" are not acceptable excuses for missing official college communications via email.
    3. 分配学生邮箱
      Official college email accounts are automatically created for all enrolled students. The addresses are of the form last name, first name initial, middle name initial @basilinfracon.com. In case of duplicate names, a number will be appended to the name to prevent confusion. 电子邮件帐户将通过RaiderNet访问. 学生首次登入时须更改密码. The official email address will be maintained in the Banner Student system and Roane State’s Active Directory. Official email addresses will be directory (public) information unless the students request otherwise.
    4. 重定向电子邮件
      学生的电子邮件可能会从他们的官方@roanestate重新定向.Edu地址转到另一个电子邮件地址(e.g., @aol.com, @hotmail.Com,或部门服务器上的地址)。. The college will not be responsible for the handling of email by outside vendors. Having email redirected does not absolve a student from the responsibilities associated with official communication sent to his or her @basilinfracon.com帐户.
    5. 机密信息的身份验证
      这违反了学校的规定, 包括《学生行为准则, 允许任何使用官方电子邮件地址的用户冒充大学办公室, 教师/职员, 或学生. 机密信息将无法在电子邮件消息中使用. Rules for use of 贝博体育 email and computer equipment are found in Roane State 政策, 电子资讯系统(电邮)政策, GA-18-03及合乎道德及负责任地使用电脑资源, GA-18-01.
    6. 隐私
      Users should exercise extreme caution in using email to communicate confidential or sensitive matters, 不应该认为电子邮件是私人和机密的. It is especially important that users are careful to send mess年龄s only to the intended recipient(s). Particular care should be taken when using the "reply" command during email correspondence.
    7. 电子邮件的教育用途
      Faculty will specify their means of electronic communication in the course syllabus. This "Official Student 电子邮件 Policy" will ensure that all students will be able to comply with email-based course requirements specified by faculty. 因此,教师可以假设学生的官方@basilinfracon.com帐户s are being accessed and faculty can use email for their classes accordingly.
    8. 动量的学生
      参与在线课程的学生势头, 尤其是TN校园的学生, 是否有罗安州立社区学院的电子邮件地址. 对于未在RSCC注册的动量学生, communication with faculty will take place using the internal “messaging” function of 动力. 罗安州立大学注册学生使用动量, even though 动力 “messaging” may be your primary communication method with your instructor, it is not your official email address and you must periodically check your RaiderNet account so that important announcements are not missed.

修订生效日期: 08/08/2022
修订批准人: 克里斯托弗·L. 惠利,总统
原生效日期: 02/16/2004
批准人: 韦德B. 总裁McCamey
办公室负责: 商务副总裁 & 金融
综述: 06/30/2022


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