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前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请! 注册在线课程或传统课程.前进. 不要拖延你的未来! 马上申请!. 注册在线课程或传统课程.
田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.田纳西重新连接与承诺. 即将毕业的高中毕业生可以免交学费. 成人免学费.
提供在线学位. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.提供在线学位. 在线教育可以让你灵活地选择适合自己的课程.



RSCC西班牙语系为不同的学生群体提供服务. 该系提供基础课程,为学生继续深造做准备, 达到艺术副学士要求和高中外语能力不足. All the courses taught through the department meet the TBR two first years of Spanish education requirements allowing a seamless transfer to a senior institution.

西班牙语系由两名全职教员和几名兼职教员组成. 学院通过实地课程提供传统教学的信息, 但也有实地的网络增强课程, 混合课程, 完成在线课程和无文字课程. 在线西班牙语课程同时为来自多个校区的学生提供服务,使学生无需通勤即可学习. 无文本课程允许学生上课,而无需购买昂贵的课本. Hybrid courses give students the opportunity to attend a few on-ground lectures where grammar and vocabulary are presented and complete the rest of the work on-line, 节省金钱和时间. 混合课程特别有利于那些有家庭义务的学生,他们仍然需要现场指导, 让学习过程更容易完成,而不是让他们自己完成所有的工作. Special consideration must be given to a delivering system using state of the art technology that combines interactive and hybrid systems with one of the dual- studies-courses that the RSCC 西班牙百货 offers to high school students. 对于这门特殊的双学分课程,讲师每周去一所高中讲课, 回答问题和监考. The instructor's presence is transmitted to other high school and the rest of the work is done by a carefully designed system for on-line work. 感谢RSCC西班牙语讲师的奉献, countless efforts and unselfish given of the talent and time and with the RSCC' administrators' back-up of the Spanish instructor's work our students benefit from traditional as well as technical instruction giving them a broad appreciation of the Spanish langu年龄 and culture.

行政和课程管理决策由该领域的高素质专业人员做出. 拥有硕士和博士学位的西班牙教授能够设计出反映其优势的原创课程, 创造力, 以及作为专业讲师的热情,同时涵盖必修课程. 它们也有助于课程能力的建立.

听力理解题, 阅读, speaking and writing has been established for helping students to visually comprehend the task at hand and whether or not they have met the requirements of the assignment. 这些规则是基于ACTFL的, 美国外语教学委员会,熟练度指引最佳实践. 另外, projects requiring research are evaluated following a general checklist system based on the quality of the research and presentation of the project and projects requiring the students' participation on the RSCC Spanish 脸谱网 Web-P年龄 are evaluated following the corresponding pre-established system posted on every project.

Establishing learning objectives and assessment of best teaching practices have taken place and these are posted on the RSCC Server Spanish Program Web-P年龄. 除了提供辅助教师信息,使他们熟悉西班牙语课程和学术指导, 发布了一个通用的教学大纲. 遵循RSCC的最佳实践指南, 制定了西班牙语课程的通用教学大纲. 教学大纲为RSCC提供的四个西班牙语水平中的每一个建立了共同的学习目标和内容. The identical learning objectives and contents shared for each level give students the flexibility of making a suitable class schedule to meet their life style without the stress of not being prepared for taking course sequences from different instructors.

随着技术的不断发展, 课程要求必须反映这些变化. 我们引以为豪的是,我们的计算机实验室配备了最新的硬件和学术界使用的最新版本的软件. Not only do we teach current trends but faculty take opportunities for continuing education to insure that instruction is current and relevant to the course material. 当学生完成学位时, they are equipped with a strong sense of fundamental skills as well as the ability to implement those principles within their own work. Participation in special projects and actual design academic contests adds to the experiences that students gain while in the department.

大量的课堂内外教学活动激发了学生对材料的参与. 真诚的导师所表现出的激情和承诺是激励人心的, 鼓舞人心的, 对学生来说也是一个有价值的现实例子. Guests from foreign countries or those with extensive international experience are invited to class to give students a wide perspective of life in other cultures. 另外, students enrolled in Spanish 2010 and Spanish 2020 are required to become involved with the City of Oak Ridge by planning and delivering a project on which Spanish and the community interact. 贝博体育的三个阶段——提案——验收, delivering and in-class- project-outcome-presentation- are used to demonstrate how Spanish is already ingrained in the community as well as how useful and fun Spanish can be for the community.

The department has sponsored trips to Spain as well as an interchange student program between a Mexico City high school and RSCC students. 尽管西班牙之行和与墨西哥的交换学生计划都被搁置了, 西班牙语系仍在赞助每年一次的哥斯达黎加之旅,让学生完全沉浸在哥斯达黎加的文化和语言中. 哥斯达黎加之旅的大规模筹款活动有助于创造一种负责任的文化, 领导, and work toward a common goal; however, the amount of faculty work necessary to execute the fundraising and logistical organization of the trip became overwhelming and exhausting. It has become necessary to develop and implement strategies to prevent faculty burn-out and improve the processes while continuing to focus on quality. The Costa Rica tour has introduced students to first-hand experience in langu年龄 and culture by living for ten days in Costa Rican homes, 上课, 参与文化活动,成为哥斯达黎加日常生活的一部分. The total immersion Program is Costa Rica has increased students pursuit of excellence in studying the Spanish langu年龄 and culture. 这也极大地影响了一些连续两年完成巡演的学生.

由西班牙语学院管理,并在西班牙语班注册的学生的帮助下交付, 西班牙诗歌比赛, 剧院, 在一年一度的学术节上载歌载舞,为当地的高中生提供反馈. For many years the 西班牙百货 and its students have participated in RSCC Open House activities and other recruiting events. Participation in special projects and actual design academic contests adds to the experiences students gain while in the department.

The Department of Spanish also helps the articulation coordinator by keeping abreast with curriculum offered by senior institutions. As faculty we provide one on one advisement with all assigned students to insure that they are completing the courses needed to graduate or transfer to a four-year institution. The Spanish faculty's delivering Spanish's commitment to students and 贝博体育 makes the existence of the RSCC Spanish Program possible.


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